Shrine Pass in Colorado

by Sue Carmony
Shrine Pass in Colorado
Sue Carmony
Painting - Watercolor
Lush meadows filled with colorful flowers stretch out towards a line of evergreen trees under a partly cloudy sky, with a backdrop of distant blue mountains. Vibrant reds and yellows dominate the foreground, suggesting a lively scene of a floral bloom. Painting is of Shrine Pass in Colorado on a spring day.
May 30th, 2024
Comments (36)

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Sue, on your win in the Summer Sun and Pastoral Scenes Contest for this beautiful painting! L/F

Carlin Blahnik CarlinArtWatercolor
Great vibrant colors in this watercolor painting! Congratulations on your 2nd place win in the Summer Sun contest!

Hanne Lore Koehler
Congratulations, Sue, on your SUMMER SUN AND PASTORAL SCENES contest win with this magnificent landscape painting! L/F

John Malone
Congratulations on taking second place in the contest sponsored by the group Painting the Old Way! Marvelous!!

Kay Brewer
Congratulations on your beautiful work being selected as one of the Special Features of the Week in the Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer group, June 24, 2024! l/f

Anne Gifford
Sue, this is lovely, the flowers are so vibrant, and I like the bushy pine trees. Congratulations on your special feature in the Visions of Spring/Glances of Summer group.

Sharon Williams Eng
Wonderful work. Congratulations on your special feature in Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer group

Rebecca Grzenda
Congrats on your special feature of the week in Visions Of Spring-Glances Of Summer Group....beautiful artwork!

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Dora for the Special Feature of the Week to be displayed on the Home page of the Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer. I really appreciate it. :))

Donna Kennedy
Congratulations on your Feature of the Week in Visions of Spring-Glances of Summer!...L

Dora Sofia Caputo
Congratulations Sue! Delighted to tell you that your beautiful painting of a Springtime floral bloom in Shrine Pass, Colorado, has been selected as a Special Feature of the Week to be displayed on the Home page of the Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer Group. Thank you for being part of this Group and for sharing your outstanding artwork with us. F.