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Shopping on Pearl St Mall Painting by Sue Carmony

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Comments (16)

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you Anne :))

Anne Gifford

Anne Gifford

This vignette of the Pearl Street mall has always been one of my favorites, Sue, and now I can vote for it! Vote

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Lois for featuring my painting in your group "Exclusively Drawings and Paintings ." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thanks so much Marsha!

Marsha Reeves

Marsha Reeves

So many stories going on--love it! l/f

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much John for featuring my painting in your group "Painting the Old Way." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!! : ))

John Malone

John Malone

Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our Homepage!

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Jenny for featuring my painting in your group . "No Place Like Home." I appreciate your encouragement and support. :))

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Anne : ) I appreciate your encouraging words. You are the best teacher! I'm so blessed to work under your instruction.

Anne Gifford

Anne Gifford

Sue, congratulations on your feature in the All Colorado group! You have truly captured the essence of the bustling Pearl Street Mall with this captivating and beautifully done painting. like/f

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Nanci for featuring my painting in your group . "ALL COLORADO." I appreciate your encouragement and support. :)

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Nina for featuring my painting in your group . "ART - It is Good for You." I appreciate your encouragement and support. :))

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Stephanie for featuring my painting in your group . "Vivid Beautiful Art ." I appreciate your encouragement and support. :))

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Randy for featuring my painting in your group . "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery." I appreciate your encouragement and support. :))

Randy Rosenberger

Randy Rosenberger

This piece of fine artwork has earned the honor of being chosen to show off to other artists and prospective buyers here in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. It is an honor to share this piece of well composed and beautiful art on our Featured section of our homepage. Thanks much for sharing! Liked and Faved Randy B. Rosenberger (administrator of the WFS group)

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Shopping on Pearl St Mall by Sue Carmony
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