Fresh Apples

by Sue Carmony
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
10.000 x 8.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Fresh Apples
Sue Carmony
Painting - Watercolor
This is a still life of apples on cloth done in watercolor.
June 15th, 2016
Comments (54)

Anne Gifford
This caught my eye right away (hee hee). I love how you made the cloth and stripes purple! Vote/f

Laurel Adams
It is such a balanced palette, compositional, textural and reflective design …exquisite!…v…best to you…FAV

Gary F Richards
Outstanding capture, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the Fruit Contest.

Rebecca Finley
Sue, it is difficult to choose one of your works of art to comment on. They are all wonderful and full of stories and memories for me as your viewer. I find the simplicity of this subject a perfect showing of your artistic talent. So beautiful!

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Randy for featuring my painting in your group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!! : ))

Randy Rosenberger
This piece of fine artwork has earned the honor of being chosen to show off to other artists and prospective buyers here in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. It is an honor to share this piece of well composed and beautiful art on our Featured section of our homepage. Thanks much for sharing! Liked and Faved Randy B. Rosenberger (administrator of the WFS group)

Barbara Moak
Marvelous watercolor. The color palette is spectacular, the execution of the drapery is exceptional and I could eat the apples! l/f

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much for featuring my painting in your group "ABC Group - Open Week." I really appreciate your encouragement and support! : ))

Connie Handscomb
Terrific artwork, Sue! Comes to my mind an expression of my father's " so how do you like THEM apples?" ... & my reply here is: these are Great! :))

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Mary Ann for featuring my painting in your group "Cards and Small Posters." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!! : ))

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Michael for featuring my painting in your group "Watercolour Art." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!!