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Chapel on the Rock Painting by Sue Carmony

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Comments (21)

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much for your kind remarks Annie. :))

Anne Gifford

Anne Gifford

You have perfected the art of painting snow! I really feel like I am looking into a squall! It is extra fun because I know just where this treasure is.

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much for the feature Stephanie. I really appreciate it.

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much for the feature in your group "Of Buildings, Barns and Bridges." I really appreciate it.

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Lois for featuring my painting in your group "Exclusively Drawings and Paintings." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!! : ))

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thanks so much Donna! :)

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Congratulations on your Feature of the Week in Winter Wonderland!...L

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank so much Sandi! ;)

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Congrats on your Special Feature in Winter Wonderland, Sue F/L

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Diane!

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Dora for selecting my painting as one of the Special Featured Artists for the Week Secion of the Winter Wonderland Homepage. I really appreciate your support and encouragement! : )

L Diane Johnson

L Diane Johnson

Congratulations Sue! This is a very beautiful reallllly captured the scene!

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art

Congrats, Sue! Your beautiful winter scene is being featured in the Special Featured Artists of the Week Section of the Winter Wonderland Homepage.Thank you for sharing your amazing artwork with our Group. F/L

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Carol for featuring my painting in your group "World Landscape Lovers of Art . " I really appreciate your support and encouragement! : )

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thank you so much Jenny for featuring my painting in your group "No Place like Home. " I really appreciate your support and encouragement! : )

Jenny Revitz Soper

Jenny Revitz Soper

CONGRATULATIONS! This enchanting piece has been FEATURED on the homepage of the FAA Artist Group No Place Like Home, 2/05/2019! Way to go! Please post it in the Group's Features discussion thread for posterity and/or any other thread that fits!

John Malone

John Malone

Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our Homepage!

Sue Carmony replied:

Thank you so much John for featuring my painting in your group "Painting the Old Way. " I really appreciate your support and encouragement! : )

David Neace

David Neace

Congratulations, your work is featured on the homepage of "Created by My Hands"

Sue Carmony replied:

Thank you so much David for featuring my painting in your group "Created by My Hands." I really appreciate your support and encouragement! : )

Randy Rosenberger

Randy Rosenberger

Your excellence in your submission of this work is worthy of special recognition, and I am seeing to it, that this happens in the WFS group. I am so happy to have you as an active member of our family of friends and fine artists, who support one another by comments, likes, faves, sharing, etc. Thanks for all your efforts to make our group so special by having a fine artist like yourself among many other fine artists that make our group so special.

Sue Carmony replied:

Thank you so much Randy for featuring my painting in your group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery." I really appreciate your support and encouragement! : )

Sue Carmony

Sue Carmony

Thanks Kathy!!

Kathy Sievering

Kathy Sievering

I love the snow on the foreground, trees, mountains and sky.

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Chapel on the Rock by Sue Carmony
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