Calming Coastline

by Sue Carmony
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
10.000 x 8.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Comments (12)

Anne Gifford
I love the "soft" look that this painting has. The lack of detail really does make it calming! vote

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Michelle for featuring my painting in your group "Collector's Gallery." I really appreciate your encouragement and support.

Anne Gifford
I like the softness and looseness (hard for me to imagine)....what a nice new style this is. Another vote. like/v/f

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Anthony for featuring my painting in your group "Peopleless Scenic Landscape ." I really appreciate your encouragement and support.

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Randy for featuring my painting in your group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery." I really appreciate your encouragement and support.