Beautiful Water Lily

by Sue Carmony
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
10.000 x 8.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Beautiful Water Lily
Sue Carmony
Painting - Watercolor
This is a watercolor of a beautiful water lily resting in the water.
July 29th, 2017
Comments (48)

Gary F Richards
Truly spectacular pink flower composition, shading, lighting, perspective and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest PINK FLOWERS

Femina Photo Art By Maggie
Congratulations! Your amazing artwork has been featured in Pretty in Pink Blue or Purple! l/f
Sue Carmony replied:
Thank you so much Maggie for featuring my painting in your group, Pretty in pink, Blue or Purple. I really appreciate your support and encouragement :))

Anne Gifford
Beautiful indeed! The muted green/grays against the purplish flower are perfectly complimentary in color. Brava! like/f

RC DeWinter
Congrats on your special feature in Visions Of Spring - Glances Of Summer, lovely work, l/f

Marsha Reeves
Wow--congratulations on your well deserved featured artist of the week win in Visions of Spring, Glances of Summer! l/f

Vanessa Thomas
Congratulations on your Feature of the Week in Visions of Spring-Glances of Summer Group! Beautiful color!

Donna Kennedy
Congratulations on your Feature of the Week in Visions of Spring-Glances of Summer!...L

Barbie Corbett-Newmin
Congratulations on your feature of the week in Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer on August 22, 2017!l

Cindy Treger
Sue, congratulations on your feature of the week in Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer. f/l

Debby Pueschel
Congratulations on your Feature of the Week in Visions of Spring Glances of Summer! FLTw