Beautiful Kailua Beach

by Sue Carmony
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
8.000 x 10.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Beautiful Kailua Beach
Sue Carmony
Painting - Watercolor
This is a watercolor of Kailua Beach at Kailua , Hawaii. It's a beautiful beach that I walked many times. It's known for its wind surfing.
October 9th, 2020
Comments (10)

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Anthony for featuring my painting in your group "Peopleless Scenic Landscapes." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!

Anthony Mwangi
Your beautiful and creative work has been featured in the Group PEOPLELESS SCENIC LANDSCAPES. Keep up the Good work!

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Jenny for featuring my painting in your group, No Place Like Home. I really appreciate your support and encouragement :))

Sue Carmony
Thank you so much Randy for featuring my painting in your group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery." I really appreciate your encouragement and support!

Randy Rosenberger
This piece of fine artwork has earned the honor of being chosen to show off to other artists and prospective buyers here in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. It is an honor to share this piece of well composed and beautiful art on our Featured section of our homepage. Thanks much for sharing! Liked and Faved Randy B. Rosenberger (administrator of the WFS group)